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The food you eat can be either the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison...
Ann Wigmore
It's no secret our food is not the same as it was 80 years ago. It's grown differently, it's processed differently, it's being packaged and sold differently, and it's no where near as nutritious as it used to be. Sadly, we now have to question if what we put in our mouth is even food.
Processed food is out of this world full of chemicals, most of which we can't pronounce nor do we even have the slightest idea what the adverse effects are by consuming these chemicals. Our three letter acronym agencies try to insure us that by having big food manufactures place every ingredient on the label is for our safety and knowledge, but no where on the label does it state the amount of 'said chemical' that is actually in the product, so we are left to assume that these big corporations are staying within guidelines set by three letter acronym agencies. Nevermind the amount of money that is required to have the 'stamp of approval' from said agency. I like to call it a 'membership fee' and I'll let you read between the lines.
However, more and more Americans are growing smarter and researching more about our food supply and chain. Chronic illnesses are at an all time high. What was rare 50 years ago is common today. People are realizing that there are many chemicals placed in foods that are banned in several countries, yet not our own.
Even fresh produce is contaminated with an ungodly amount of pesticides and herbicides. Fruits and vegetables have been genetically modified so that produce can be more pest and fungus resistant and more readily available. Hybridization is also a big thing. Anymore it's almost impossible to find a simple apple that isn't hybridized. Sadly, none of the hybridized and GMO developments have contributed to higher nutritional values.
What is one suppose to do to feed their family nutritious food anymore? Well, there are several ideas and resources you can use, but the key is being attentive. Next is START SLOW. Making changes takes time and money and unless you are someone who lives alone, this change is a major process. It has taken us a few years and mainly because I wasn't that serious...until I learned more of the havoc that is being done to our bodies from food.
For starters, it all begins at home. Start by opening up your pantry and cupboards..and start tossing. Did you know that almost EVERY processed food you buy can be duplicated and made with fresh ingredients? Yes, anywhere from Hamburger Helper to Ranch dressing. Processed foods are convenient alternatives, saving us time. But our bodies are paying dearly for those substitutions.
Next, if possible, grow your own food or shop farmer's markets and/or local farms. If you have to go to the grocery store, shop the outer ring of the store. Most processed foods are in the interior shelves of the store. But that doesn't mean deli meat and cheeses are safe! Also, buy organic. I can't stress that enough. However, just because something is organic doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you. For instance, flour. Organic flour is better than non-organic, but it's still flour...processed and robbed of all nutritional value. In addition, read labels. And that includes spice jar labels!! I have several apps on my phone that I use when it comes to ingredients. I've linked them HERE.
Meal prepping is also key. Some people like to shop weekly and some every couple of days. We like to shop weekly and make a list of dinners for the week. It also helps to look over store sales when making the dinner list. And AVOID eating out as much as possible. We all need a break from the kitchen, but my husband and I have come to learn that eating out costs way more than making it at home, doesn't always taste great, and we end up suffering for it the next day (if not that evening) because of all the oils and other unknown ingredients we just consumed.
For those who don't cook, there are services and companies that create organic meals, freeze, and deliver to you. All you need is freezer space and an oven. Or search out organic meals in the freezer section at your grocers.
Lastly, put on an apron and get out those cookbooks! Home cooked meals are important in nourishing your body. Our ancestors knew this! When I go to garage sales, I love to pick up cookbooks, especially old ones! However, social media has made it easy for us. You can find copy-cat recipes, 5 ingredient recipes, old fashioned recipes, etc. right on Pinterest. Just remember to MAKE YOUR OWN ingredients such as mayo when a recipe calls for mayo!
Remember, start slow, remove/clean out foods in your pantry and refrigerator and replace with homemade or "clean" ingredient foods. Be attentive to labels and ingredients. Plan meals and make a grocery list. And avoid eating out when possible.
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