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There are no incurable diseases, only the lack of will. There are no worthless herbs, only the lack of knowledge.
Big Pharma is in business to make money plain and simple. Our health is not the important factor here. We, as a population, simply are guinea pigs to their experimental drugs. And our general practitioners have been trained in the study of body/ailments/drug solution.
By law, nature cannot be patented. There is no money to be made with a natural cure or remedy. Scientists all over the world continuously tear apart nature looking for chemical compounds that can be synthetically made...when they're not creating a virus (aka biological weapons). If our health was truly at the forefront, natural remedies would line our household shelves, be grown in our gardens, and I truly believe a majority of the chronic illnesses and mental illnesses would cease to exist.
I am VERY passionate about herbs and their ancient medicinal properties. One of my missions is to share the knowledge and benefits of these natural remedies with you. With a wide range of herbs available, I believe in their many uses and their ability to promote overall well-being. Whether you're looking for herbal teas, tinctures, or natural remedies, come explore them with me. Join me on this journey to discover the power of herbs and unlock their potential for a healthier lifestyle.
Remember, you can call me a witch, but I AM NOT A PHYSICIAN and I proudly state that. With that being said, I encourage you to talk with your physician, do your own research, ask questions, be your own hardcore advocate.
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