September has arrived and for all you summer loving folk I stick my tongue out at you 🤪 with a smile on my face because my favorite season of the year is upon us! Although it isn't officially autumn, September 1st starts my autumn decorating ritual. It is when I clear my house of negative energy and bid humidity gone! However, this year it seem summer is really trying to extend her unwelcomed visit...
And speaking of decorating, I decided to turn my 'lemons into lemonade' after having to deal with a neighbor issue a few months ago. When our neighbor neglected to have their partially standing very dead tree taken down, we were the lucky dogs that got to clean it up once it fell down. And just a side note in case you may have not known-if your neighbor's tree should happen to fall into your yard, you are responsible for anything in your yard. AND your insurance company will not pay to have it removed/cut up if there is NO damage to your home, fence, outbuilding, or structure of some sort including cars. If the fallen timber is blocking driveway, street, or sidewalk access they will take care of it. But, if the tree just fell into your yard, no matter the size, and hasn't done any damage listed above, then you as the homeowner are responsible for it's cleanup out of your own pocket...ask me how I know...
So, Bill has been cleaning up our yard since the end of May and as of this past weekend I think it's pretty much cleaned up other than the need to still burn some wood. Ironically, I love to decorate with bare branches in our house. It adds so many elements for me especially the "nature" element we both love. Having vaulted ceilings can make decor look small and insignificant sometimes, so tree branches add that height and focal point I love! So guess what I had Bill bring in for me!
Just over here being all resourceful! These are just a few areas I've used them in and am excited I can leave them up for all of autumn and winter. But what I'm truly excited about is using the other wood for my favorite weekend treat...BONFIRES! And yes, we do have a wood burning fireplace so they'll be lots of cozy winter nights to use the extra wood.
And, you know what else is coming? FLU season...the dreaded season of passing viruses. And being an election year, God only knows what they'll come up with. Covid made it a shit show and hopefully Americans have learned enough to make sure not to ever let the government run our lives like that again...or run our lives PERIOD.
If Covid taught me anything, it taught me to question medications (and vaccines) with every ounce of my being. We all knew that the vax was an experiment and was given the go ahead without further study that most vaccines require because it was considered a 'state of emergency' we were in and 'there were NO KNOWN cures or treatments for this virus. If there are known cures or treatments that work for this virus then the experimental jab would not have been permitted to be given...and so began the fight among doctors who were treating patients with hydroxychloroquine and/or Ivermectin. (HUGE RED FLAG) When a renowned toxicologist comes forward to advocate the absolute safety of these two drugs as well as state the facts of gene therapy and the sequence of causing cancer with the vaccine they used to experiment on everyone, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there's a reason hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were banned, talked negatively about, given labels such as horse de-wormer, etc. MONEY COULD NOT BE MADE IF IT WAS PROVED THERE WAS A TREATEMENT! (and we all know LOTS of money was made with this vax) So they took that alternative away from doctors...they quite literally BANNED doctors from using it! And then they took choices away from people by giving them job ultimatums, visiting ultimatums, etc. THEY INCENTIVIZED the vax to everyone from the poorest (get a jab and you earn a chance at a million dollars, remember that?) to hospitals and businesses. And those who didn't get the jab were now considered negligent. Even though the 'negligent' were thinkers, thinking how none of this was adding up. Yea, negligent for remembering being taught that if someone has to bribe you with something, then it's no good! Negligent for 'not jumping off the bridge' even though all your friends did. Negligent for simply asking questions...
The rabbit holes it created were about infinite and the holes I jumped into were beyond numerous. After learning significant side effects from even over the counter drugs that granted, were never hidden, but also never talked about, I became completely afraid to put ANY DRUG in my mouth including Tylenol and Advil. It was time to dig and learn how humans actually survived and continue to survive pre-BIG PHARMA. And that's what I did and continue to do.
Moving forward, I have found many many people have started thinking like me and what I thought was a one man kayak has actually turned out to be cruise liners of people. The internet has provided lots and lots of information being shared by these groups of people (not by Google!) which of course leads into the topic of censorship which I will have to save for another day. If you think that censorship doesn't exist, then go ahead and try to search out information about side effects to childhood vaccinations. If there is anything you need to remember, it's THERE IS NO MONEY TO BE MADE IF YOU ARE HEALTHY...good health is not the CDC, FDA, or NIH goal.
And knowing that flu season is right around the corner, it's time to start getting ready to boost our immune system as well as create some herbal/natural remedies to help our bodies get ready for it and battle through it. So what have I been making? LOTS!! Below are suggestions that I recommend for you to get started now to have ready for flu season or whatever is thrown at us this fall/winter:
Broth. Nothing gives you a hug like chicken noodle soup when you're sick, but the hero in the soup is actually the broth. Bill and I like to save our vegetable scraps as we cook by placing them in a freezer bag and freezing them until I am ready to make broth. We also keep our beef bones in a separate bag as well. When we have a whole chicken, I will then make broth with the carcass and vegetable scraps. I bought some silicone containers on amazon that actually have measuring lines in them so I'll freeze the broth until we need it. Perfect dose of healthy food for when you're sick!
Fire Cider. I can't say enough about fire cider and all the good stuff in it to help you when you start to feel under the weather. For those who have never heard of it, think of it as DayQuil/NyQuil. Fire Cider is an adaptable recipe meaning you can add or eliminate some of the ingredients to fit you and your family. Some people like to add chopped up jalapeños, I personally like to add a sprinkle of cayenne. My son is allergic to onions so I don't put onions in his cider. Fire cider, to me, is the cauldron of herbs that have potent healing properties, some being anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal...then they are stirred together in an apple cider base to sit and ferment. Raw honey (local is best) is added after weeks of fermenting. Start this now because it has to sit for at least 4 weeks. My recipe (which is again, adaptable) can be found HERE to help you get started. It's just a base recipe ready for you to add your favorite ingredients like cayenne powder or jalapeños, elderberry, orange slices, etc.
Elderberry syrup. This is another must have and my recipe can be found on the same page as my fire cider HERE. The importance of elderberry is a little confusing to some people. The confusion is the belief that elderberry kills, but in actuality, it's a "preventer" as I like to call it. Elderberry's job is to protect the healthy cells, not fix the sick cells. That is why it is extremely important to start taking elderberry either as a prophylactic daily or at the very onset of illness. It will basically be useless if you try and start to take it after feeling ill for a few days. If you are purchasing elderberries to make a syrup, you may also want to make gummies or even a tincture. The elderberries in my yard have already ripened to their black color (this is what you want!) and I've already made our syrup, some gummies, a tincture is processing, and I made some glycerite made with vegetable glycerin for our grandchildren. I currently have some bottles left in my apothecary store for you to purchase HERE if you'd like!
Garlic Honey. This one is going to sound wild, but it's one of my personal favorites...probably because I LOVE garlic. The healing properties in garlic are amazing and raw garlic is some potent medicine. A couple of years ago I found this recipe and I still have my jar of it. Take a jar (any size will do, but keep in mind who will be eating this and how much you may need). You will need several garlic bulbs for this. The tedious part is peeling all the cloves. You want to fill the jar 1/2 way with peeled garlic cloves then you want to pour raw honey on top, making sure to stir lightly to get honey in all spaces. Then, repeat the process with the second 1/2 of the jar. Cover jar with lid, but make sure all the garlic cloves are covered in honey. Everyday you want to turn the jar upside down a couple of times to "stir" it. After a week or two you will start to see the honey become thinner, its viscosity starts to change. The garlic also starts to change. Let this sit for a good month (turning it upside down whenever you think about it) before you start to eat the garlic or sip the honey. The garlic flavor is no where near as strong as it was when first peeled, the honey sweetens it up. To take: whenever I start with a cough or congestion, I absolutely take me a shot of fire cider, but I will eat a clove of the garlic from this jar as well as take a couple teaspoons of the honey, depending on my cough or congestion. I can take it several times a day if I want as well. And the best part is, it doesn't go bad!!! It has a shelf life of YEARS! So don't be alarmed when you see the garlic look almost black! Hence the reason I still have mine!
Lemon Honey. Okay, garlic honey may not be your thing, especially if you can't deal with garlic the way I can. Another alternative is lemon honey. Start with some cleaned/scrubbed organic lemon. Slice lemons into round slices or even chunks filling a jar 1/2 way. Add raw honey, stir, repeat process to fill jar. Cover and set aside for 2-3 weeks, turning the jar upside down whenever you think about it. Just make sure the lemons stay submerged. After 2-3 weeks, remove all the lemons by straining the best you can, keeping the lemon juice/honey mixture in a new jar for storage. Store in refrigerator for up to 6 months. Take this to help soothe coughs and sore throats and/or add it to hot tea. For added benefits, I like to add peeled fresh ginger with my sliced lemons when making!
Herbal Tea. Now is the time to stock up on your favorite herbs to make tea. Flu season isn't the only reason to have them on hand even though they are great to have for colds and congestion. Kids are back in school and in addition to colds and congestion, you could possibly have to deal with tummy aches, sore throats, sleep issues. Make sure to have peppermint leaves, chamomile, lavender, some mullein, echinacea, willow bark. These are just a few herbs that can be used for teas separately or even blended together to help fight those issues. Just add a little honey for those who need help pushing it down. This is why I love growing my own herbs!
Food. Stock up on good organic, clean fruits and veggies as well as clean meats and pasture raised chicken eggs. Throw out processed foods! YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. Your body will heal faster if it's healthy and it stands a lesser chance of getting sick when it has a strong immunity system! A person's health goals should be to live without any medication. That's sadly impossible for so many anymore. Even if you have to take prescription medication, it's not too late to change eating habits to cleaner choices. It's a process, and you're the only one putting a timeline on it, so make the change and go as slow or fast as you like!
Vitamin D3+K. If you don't know the importance of Vitamin D needed in your body then I recommend you research it immediately and quickly. The majority of Americans have very low levels of Vitamin D. Bill and I eat fairly well, can do better for sure, but eat fairly well in comparison to years ago. Even though we are conscientious about our food, our vitamin D levels struggle. As some of you know, we go to "Voodoo" and they are able to tell us if our body needs a supplement and how much. When I brought in our vitamin D tablets, the container says to take 2 tabs daily. However, Bill tested out as needing 3 a day, whereas I tested out as needing 4 a day! And that's us eating a fairly good diet...And please be sure you are taking Vitamin D3+K, not a Rx from your doctor-that's Vitamin D2, a synthetic...
Electrolytes. This is two fold. I also want to write Distilled Water. Most people do not have a filtered water system so that is why I write distilled water. I won't go into filtered water right now, but water is very important whether you're sick or not. I put electrolytes down because of the replenishing factor when we are sick. One of my favorite brands if you don't make your own electrolyte drink is JUST INGREDIENTS. It's in powder form and wonderful to have on hand. You can find it on their website or on Amazon.
Oregano Oil. I put this last, but I can honestly say it's probably my most important homemade remedy. The potency of oregano is off the charts awesome. The oil is easy to make and I like to take it for infections or to avoid infections. Take a jar and fill it 1/3 of the way full of DRY oregano leaves-yes, the kind you use to cook with! Next, fill the jar with good olive oil and by good I mean ORGANIC, SINGLE ORIGIN (meaning oil from one country not a combination of countries), COLD PRESSED or you can use Organic Avocado oil. Stir the oregano, place lid on it, and let sit in dark area for about 6 weeks-shaking jar when you think about it. After 6 weeks, strain the oregano making sure to squeeze the leaves real good to get the oil out. Store oil with lid on well on shelf for up to 6 months. I like to take a couple teaspoons when I feel like I'm coming down with a sinus infection or any infection for that matter. The best part is, if I'm not sure if I have an infection, I can still take it and not worry about hurting myself! And I can take it as often as I need to. BTW, I even use this for our dogs!
It is simply amazing how natural remedies are literally at our fingertips and in our own kitchen cupboards. However, we are a nation brought up on western synthetic drugs created to give us instant or close to instant relief. We are patients led to believe this system and those who run it do not want to harm us. We may feel the relief, but at what cost? How much damage is it causing our liver, our kidneys, our stomach, our heart? I believe there is a time and a place for western medicine, but their goal is for us to rely on it. I would rather rely on something that has gotten mankind from the beginning of time to 2024 than to 'trust the science' at this point.
On a side note, my apothecary store has been moved over to Etsy. It was too difficult running two stores with the same products so I took it off this website and kept the Etsy shop.