24 days into the new year and I'm FINALLY getting back to what I enjoy...this website and my blog. So I am going to start with a HUGE HAPPY NEW YEAR! My last blog post was actually back in October and I can't even believe we are now into 2025. However, I am ELATED to have the new year here.

2024 felt a lot of tension, more so than the past 4 years, and mainly because of a very huge Presidential election that was to take place. On a personal note, Bill and I were over here addressing the economy and our financial outlook (like most Americans) as we held our breath with the election, planning the holidays once November hit, and trying to stay healthy for our youngest daughter's New Year's Eve wedding. And fortunately, America spoke with a MAGA phone, the holidays went smoothly, and our daughter's wedding was absolutely beautiful. As for the healthy...well, I blame myself for my immunity being shot to shit since I made it my day job to overload on sugar since mid October. Right after Christmas both Bill and I came down with killer head congestion, to the point where I looked like I was crying nonstop for days leading up to and into the wedding. Me and sugar are not friends, no matter HOW hard I try to befriend it!

The year kind of started off the way my last blog ended...with disasters to yet another state. This time, California. I'm over here still posting on my BOOK OF FACES about North Carolina still needing help and then this happens... My only advice at this point is that Americans really need to do their research when electing their governors...

In other big news of 2025, we have...the Presidential Inauguration. I've waited four long years for this so you can betcha I was front and center with my drink in one hand and cheese popcorn in the other (literally!) I'm not exaggerating when I say I was pumped. And since all news outlets and television stations have undoubtedly bombarded you with clips, I'm just going to highlight my favorite bits. First was JD's wife. I was fine until I saw her. Bringing out the kids for his swearing in was pretty sweet and I actually watched the side with all the past Presidents as the kids were brought in and EVERYONE just smiled because we ALL recognize the youthful innocence and how they have no clue of the significance this day really means. But JD's wife, Usha...the way she stared at him with the big smile...the camera was so focused on the two of them and I kept saying to myself, 'oh my, she's going to cry...is she going to cry? Oh, she's going to cry..." and there I was crying for her!!!😂 She held it together, holding her baby in one arm, the Bible in the other hand, a proud huge smile on her face, all while I'm chomping cheese popcorn bawling!😂 You KNOW this woman runs that house, lol.
These next two photos cracked me up. I think the main reason is because these two are so stoic in their expressions that seeing any ounce of comical behavior instantly makes you smile. For one, it was going to Mars, and the other was just being in a crowd who adores you!

And this last one is like looking at American royalty. This family is just elegant and evidently I'm not the only one who thinks so...just look at everyone at the bottom of this photo with their cameras...

Okay, one more...this one! 😂😂 For you married folks, I KNOW you've all been through this! When I saw him do this, I just cracked up because THIS IS MY HUSBAND when I have lipstick on! It's a rare thing anymore, but when I have it on, it's like we instantly become European and fake kiss each other's cheeks 😂 Granted her awesome hat was a bit in the way, but we all know that didn't make a difference.

And as most of you know, this man has wasted no time going to work. I've watched many executive orders be signed and I even watched his talk at Davos. His message is very clear, not just to Americans, but to the world. We are still in the phases of getting approvals for all his appointed positions and the one I'm extremely interested in following is RFK, Jr. I truly want to see American become healthy. I don't know if we ever were healthy to say make it healthy again, as I believe we are one of the biggest contributors and makers of processed and refined foods. I'm hoping to see a revamp in the Department of Agriculture as well. With the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture working together, I believe the path to healthier food is on its way. And don't get me started on vaccines!
The new year is bringing some changes to our home and family as well. We are expecting a grandson really any day now, although he's due to arrive by Feb. 13th. And we are due for a granddaughter in June. This family expansion has me thinking of our house and creating new or different space. My OCD controls my headspace and I live with the motto of everything has its place. But I have found that I love that our visiting little human can run around our house and play. He doesn't live here so it's truly not been exhausting having to pick up after him; I just like to call it redecorating when he is here.

I'm also making a list of all (or some) of the indoor projects I'd like to get started (and hopefully finished) before spring when I have to get my seeds started. I'm still working on my list of herbs I want to grow this year especially for my oils and tinctures. And speaking of tinctures, I currently have wormwood now available. A couple of you have reached out asking what certain tinctures are used for so I decided to share with you the Herbal Chart I created for me and my family. When I make oils or tinctures I like to share them with my kids so now they have a small collection of them. However, I don't expect them to remember what each one is medicinally used for so I made a simple chart for them. I decided to use a picture code so all they have to do is find the code and the matching herbs. For instance, an allergy attack may be coded with a blue heart. Well, they can scroll down and find the tincture(s) with a blue heart and know that it can help. Feel free to print it off for yourself. You can find it HERE. But please please do your research if you haven't already when it comes to herbal medicine. You can click on the HERBALS tab on my website to learn more. Also, feel free to visit my Etsy shop to purchase any of my tinctures. If you're local, you can just give me a call or message me.
And although it's January and winter is at her prime, can we all just pray for temps above freezing? Geez these polar votexes are killer! All I want to do is stay in pajamas all day and have a certain someone build me a fire (I don't play with fire and yes, I know I should learn!) I know it was due time for our area to get it's big dump of snow so I wasn't surprised when we got the bomb drop a couple weeks ago, but the frigid temps have the piles lingering a lot longer than they need to be. I decided to run a heater to my falling apart greenhouse for the first time ever and now I'm just over here waiting for the thing to die! Figures the first year I decide to over-winter some herbs we get record cold temps. 🤦🏻♀️ Oh btw, my son and daughter in-law gifted me a new greenhouse for Christmas! I am beyond excited to put it up...well, Bill will be, but I'm beyond excited to watch him put it up😂.
And with that I am going to send CHEERS to you for a Happy, Healthy, and Magical 2025! Watch for another post coming soon on the topic of cooking oils! Just over here wanting to help you all get off to a healthier new year!